Government Grants for Transplant Patients
The variety of grants available is huge. There are grants for every type of transplant that is being done today. You can get a grant for a hair transplant all the way to a lung transplant. It just would depend on what is available at the time you do your searching for it. The needs that the grants will cover vary from grant to grant.
Applying for a transplant grant is easy enough. You simply go to and do a search for grants that meet your situation. You will find that most are dated. Which means you will have to hopefully find a grant that will cover your situation yet is still within the time frame allowed. There may be several grants that apply to your situation and you are allowed to apply for each one. That does not guarantee you will receive them.
Once you find the grants that you wish to apply for, you simply fill out the form and await their answer. You may also have to send in verification for your bills or prescriptions or the surgery itself. The types of grants that you may find are ones that can cover your surgery bills, your prescriptions cost and even some that will help with the household bills while you are recovering.
Other Grants
Other places that may have grants available are the individual divisions or hospitals. There are specific types of grants for individual transplants as well. Lung recipients can apply for grants specific to that transplant. There are also the kidney transplant specific grants. The variety of help available is nearly limitless. With a little effort and looking, you will be able to find grants that are specific to your situation. You can apply to as many grants as you wish and qualify for as many grants as you can.
Several of the grants available will also set you up for self-help "grants," which in fact are courses and people that will help you to run fundraisers with the raised funds going toward the bills that the transplant patient has accumulated in their treatment.