Is it Posible for a Vasectomy to Reverse Itself?

The possibility of a vasectomy reversing itself (called "recanalization") is real, but it is quite rare. According to Harvard Medical School, it occurs in 1 out of 4,000 patients. Here is how it could happen.
  1. Recanalization

    • In a vasectomy, the tube that carries the semen (the vas deferens) is severed and each end is tied off. In recanalization, the ends manage to grow back together, although the passage is now smaller, making the male less fertile than before the operation.

    Possible Causes

    • There are two main causes of recanalization: sperm granuloma and scar tissue.

    Other Causes

    • The expertise of the surgeon is also a factor in determining whether or not a vasectomy operation can recanalize.

    Post-operative Rest

    • It is important to give the incisions from the operation time to heal. Therefore, a patient should not engage in intercourse or any strenuous activity for at least a week after a vasectomy.


    • To ensure that the vasectomy stays intact, it is a good idea to have one's sperm tested periodically for potency.

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