What Is Stem Cell Treatment?
Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cell treatments consist of removing healthy regenerative cells from the patient and transplanting them into the affected area. This treatment helps repair and reverse a variety of conditions and diseases.
Regenerative cells can be harvested from the patient's bone marrow, fat or peripheral blood. This is done to eliminate the risk of cell rejection in the patient.
Typically, four to six treatments are administered depending on how the condition reacts to the stem cell treatment. Treatments are given over a period of seven to 12 days.
Stem cell treatments are effective at treating autoimmune diseases, cerebral palsy, degenerative joint disease, multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal injuries and type 2 diabetes. It is thought that in the future, stem cell treatment can be used to treat Alzheimer's disease.
Stem cell therapy can reduce pain and discomfort; it can help patients suffering from arthritis regain mobility. In serious cases, such as cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis, stem cell treatments can be life-saving.
Because stem cell treatment is a new science, little is known about its long term effects. According to Cell Medicine, no side effects have been reported by patients other than pain at the injection site.