Directions for the Use of Betadine Scrub

Betadine Scrub is a sudsing antiseptic skin cleanser from Purdue Frederick. Veterinarians, operating personnel and animal health-care workers use it to disinfect their hands and the animal for pre and postoperative scrubbing protocols. Betadine is intended for animals that are not going into the food supply.
  1. Directions for Washing Hands

    • Before participating in veterinary surgery, wash your hands with Betadine Scrub. Decant approximately 1 teaspoon. This amount is intended for use on both hands. Do not add water. Rub your hands together and develop a thick lather. Rinse the Betadine Scrub from your hands under running water. Repeat.

    Directions for Preoperative Preparation

    • On the bottle of Betadine Scrub, directions are given for preoperative use. Wet the clipped and shaved area of the animal with water then, apply the Betadine Scrub. According to the label, "1 cc is sufficient to cover an area of 20 to 30 sq inches." Create lather by scrubbing thoroughly. Rinse the scrub from the area using sterile gauze soaked in either sterile saline or water.

    Feline Spay Preparation

    • While directions for the preoperative use of Betadine Scrub are provided on the label, other protocols are recommended by veterinary schools that differ slightly from the manufacturer's directions. Here is what the University of Florida Veterinary School suggests:
      Scrub the area on the cat where the incision will be for the spay procedure with Betadine Scrub. Use gentle pressure and clean scrub gauze. Start in the center of the area and scrub in a spiral that incrementally increases until the entire surgical area, including the outward periphery, is scrubbed. Once the gauze touches fur along the perimeter of the surgical area do not allow it to touch the skin in the center again. Using a fresh piece of alcohol gauze and the same spiral pattern, remove the Betadine Scrub. According to the University of Florida School of Veterinary Medicine, "REPEAT the procedure 2 more times. Try to minimize the amount of both scrub and alcohol on the fur."

    Other Products

    • As indicated on the label, when used properly, Betadine Scrub kills "yeasts, protozoa, viruses, bacteria and fungi." Other products produced by Perdue Frederick are Betadine Solution Veterinary and Betadine Aerosol Spray. The manufacturer's directions recommend using either of these products after the scrubbing procedure with Betadine Scrub. You can paint on Betadine Solution or spray the area with Betadine Aerosol. Allow either of these products to dry after their application before proceeding with the incision or other surgical preparation measures.

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