How to Prepare for a Simple Mastectomy
Set up an appointment with your doctor for a thorough physical evaluation to confirm that there are no underlying conditions that would prevent recovery from a simple mastectomy. Pre-operative testing will be scheduled at this time. These tests routinely include blood work, chest X-ray, urinalysis and an electrocardiogram. Pre-operative lab tests are performed to identify preexisting infections, abnormalities or heart irregularities that would increase the risks of surgery. An additional mammogram might be ordered to verify the size of the lump, in addition to a biopsy of the lump and the surrounding lymph nodes.
Meet with your surgeon and anesthesiologist to discuss any questions or concerns. Review your medical history with both doctors to determine the choice of anesthesia. Discuss the options for reconstruction. If you are having breast reconstruction immediately after the simple mastectomy, you also will meet with the plastic surgeon who will perform that procedure.
Discuss any current medications and nutritional supplements with your physician as well as with the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Certain medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, anticoagulants and Coumadin, can increase the risk of bleeding. You will be advised to stop taking those several days before the scheduled surgery date. Your doctor needs to know about all medications and nutritional supplements.
Determine who will be available to help you when you come home from the hospital. This is particularly important if you have small children, because there will be lifting and movement restrictions during your recovery.
Do not consume any food or liquids by mouth for at least eight hours prior to surgery. The stomach must be completely empty to reduce the risk of regurgitating the stomach contents into the lungs during surgery. You might be instructed to shower with antibacterial soap on the morning or evening before surgery to reduce bacteria and other contaminants on the skin.