Preparing for Foot Surgery
Several Weeks before Surgery
Be sure to complete lab work or testing required by your doctor. Get your transportation to and from the hospital in order. Arrange to have someone drive you home following your foot surgery, as you will most likely be unable to drive. Prepare your body for the use of crutches or a walker by doing exercises to strengthen your upper body. If you live alone, make arrangements for someone to stay at your home to help you after surgery until you can handle daily tasks on your own.
One Week before Surgery
Do not take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications or aspirin. Arrange for wheelchair, crutches or walker rental for use after the surgery. These items can be rented or purchased from medical supply retailers or loaned through your local Red Cross. If you will need a wheelchair, be sure it has an elevated foot pedal for the healing foot. Your surgeon may require you to wear a walker boot post-operatively. These can be purchased at medical supply retailers. Make arrangements with your employer, if necessary, for the required time off work as instructed by your doctor. Call your surgery center to confirm the date and time of the operation.
Day Before Surgery
If your surgery will require an overnight hospital stay, pack a small bag with necessary items such as medications you are on, glasses, clothes to wear home after the surgery, and toiletries. To avoid nausea and vomiting during the operation, do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before. If you are on medication, drink a small sip of water with them. Remove nail polish from fingernails and toenails. Clip your toenails and gently file off any dirty calluses on your foot to prevent infection. Try to get a good night's rest the night before.
Day of Surgery
Remove jewelry, makeup, contact lenses, hair clips, and body piercings. If applicable, also remove partial plates or dentures, hearing aids, or any other prosthetic devices before going into surgery. Leave all valuables, including money and credit cards, at home. Wash your foot thoroughly both the day of surgery and the night before to reduce bacteria. Bring any required paperwork, crutches, walker, wheelchair, or walker boot, and your insurance card.