Diet After Gastrectomy
How to Eat
Gastrectomy patients should eat three small meals and three snacks every day. In the beginning, limit your portion size; you can gradually increase the amount of food you eat as your stomach begins to tolerate it. Chew up your food well, and eat slowly. If possible, lie down after eating to reduce the risk of experiencing dumping syndrome. With every meal, include a good source of protein. Do not eat foods that are extremely hot or cold. Finally, do not drink liquid with your meal. Drink 30 minutes before or after you eat. Over time, you may gradually begin to drink ½ c. or less of fluids with your meals.
What to Eat
Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts and beans are all good protein sources. You should eat at least four servings of breads/starches each day, such as whole grain breads, crackers, noodles or bagels. You'll also need two or more servings of fruits and vegetables; these can be canned, frozen or fresh. Eat a minimum of six servings (1 tsp. is a serving) of fats per day such as margarine, mayonnaise, cream cheese, salad dressing or bacon. To satisfy your sweet tooth, you can eat desserts if they are sugar-free. Additional "sweets" include all-fruit preserves, sugarless gum, plain yogurt or sugar-free pudding. Feel free to enjoy most condiments such as herbs, salt, pepper, spices and sauces that are unsweetened. Furthermore, drink between 8 c. to 12 c. of fluids such as water, coffee, tea, and artificially flavored soda and drinks without sugar---but not with your meals.
What Not to Eat
You'll need to avoid certain foods altogether following a gastrectomy. Stay away from sweets and foods with sugar in them. Even products labeled sugar-free may have hidden sugars, so read food labels and steer clear of products including fructose, dextrose, sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, lactose or maltose. Avoid dried fruit and fruits in syrup. Do not eat jam, jelly, syrup, chocolate, ice cream, custard, gelatin or sherbet unless you are positive they contain no sugars. Also, stay away from honey butter, salad dressings made with sweeteners, breakfast bars and sugary cereals, alcoholic beverages and sodas.
Diet requirements following a gastrectomy may differ from person to person. It is important to follow the specific instructions from your doctor in regard to what foods to eat and how much.