Low-Fat Foods to Eat After Gallbladder Surgery
The gallbladder stores bile and regulates it's distribution when it comes time to digest food. It is located beneath the liver and helps people digest especially fatty foods.
Although the gallbladder may not seem important to those with perfectly functioning organs, people who have undergone a cholecystectomy may say otherwise. Without proper bile distribution, eating fatty foods can create diarrhea or an overall sick feeling.
There are many types of food people can eat after gallbladder surgery. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best because they contain next to no fat. Lean meats such as chicken breasts are OK as well. Also, be sure to eat low-fat dairy foods if you want milk or yogurt.
Of course there are times when people simply feel like splurging and eating a fatty pizza or holiday meal. There are bile acid supplements you can take to help your body absorb fat more easily for those rare occasions.
Many people end up with gallstones because of their poor, fatty diets. Having gallbladder surgery makes them take a step back and rethink their meal plans. The gallbladder isn't the only organ affected by fat. If you have to sacrifice your gallbladder for a wake-up call, it's much better than a heart attack years down the line.