How to Clean Laryngoscope Blades
Things You'll Need
- Gloves
- Enzymatic solution
- Cleaning brush
- Sterile demineralized water
- Autoclave
Wear gloves and disassemble the laryngoscope. Disconnect the handle and light bulb from the blade and remove the batteries as described in the laryngoscope manufacturer's reprocessing instructions. Place the disassembled parts in a container used for cleaning.
Soak the laryngoscope parts in detergent solution for one hour. The laryngoscope must be cleaned using clean, fresh potable or demineralized water and enzymatic detergent. Scrub the parts with a soft clean brush. Rinse the parts generously with demineralized water and dry with a soft lint-free cloth.
Bring the laryngoscope to the sterilization department in your hospital. The laryngoscope must be sterilized in the autoclave (apparatus used for sterilizing objects by steam under pressure). Package the laryngoscope parts and take them to sterilization area to be autoclaved for 20 minutes. Sterilization by use of autoclave will kill all microorganisms.
Rinse the laryngoscope after sterilization. After autoclaving the laryngoscope, rinse the instrument with plenty of sterile demineralized water. Rinsing with sterile water will remove any residues and prevent damage and injury to the patient's respiratory mucosa. The laryngoscope should be dried with a sterile lint-free cloth.
Store the laryngoscope. Reassemble the handle, light bulb and blade and transport it to where it is to be stored, taking care not to damage or re-contaminate prior to and during storage. The storage area must be dry and clean. Avoid storing the sterile laryngoscope in a container, closed carrying case or kit to prevent bacterial contamination. Additionally, read the laryngoscope's instruction for correct storage.