How to Treat Surgical Infections
Things You'll Need
- Prescription antibiotic
- Supply of bandages
- Clean bedding
Getting Treatment
See your physician. Attempting to treat your surgical infection yourself is a bad idea, which is why you must see your doctor as soon as you feel sick to get a proper diagnosis and medication.
Get your prescription filled. Depending on the type of surgical infection, your doctor will give you specific antibiotics to help fight it. Some of the medications given include azithromycin, vancomycin and mupirocin.
Follow the directions closely. Be sure to take your dosage at the times indicated on the prescription, because missing a dose can cause complications, such as the infection building a resistance to the medication.
Keep your surgical wound clean. To prevent future infections, change your bandages frequently until the wound heals. It is important for a speedy recovery.
Change your bedding frequently. Clean sheets prevent the possibility of reinfection, so change your bedding every few days.