How to Make a Prostate Biopsy More Comfortable

A prostate biopsy is a procedure that clarifies the health of the prostate. The doctor inserts an ultrasound probe into your rectum to reveal an image of your prostate. He then inserts a very fine needle into the appropriate areas of your prostate to retrieve tissue samples. The procedure usually lasts 20-30 minutes and causes some discomfort. Consult your doctor beforehand to consider steps to reduce the discomfort.


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      Follow the steps instructed by your physician to properly prepare your body. Your doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotics prior the the procedure to prevent the rare infection caused by a biopsy. Commonly, you will start the drug a few days before your biopsy and end a few days later. In addition, your doctor temporarily may take you off certain maintenance medications that affect blood clotting.

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      Perform an enema, which can be found at any drugstore, before your biopsy to flush your lower intestines of feces and reduce your risk of infection. The procedure also will relieve some abdominal discomfort, such as pressure.

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      Request a numbing agent be applied in and around your rectum before the biopsy to reduce any minor pain.

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      Ask your doctor about anxiety medication if you are very nervous about the procedure. If the doctor deems it necessary, she will prescribe one dose to be taken before the procedure.

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      Ask to be mildly sedated. Patients commonly complain that nerves are their main problem during a prostate biopsy. Consider this discomfort-reducing procedure only if you have someone to drive you home following the biopsy.

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