What Is Gangrene?
The Facts
Gangrene happens when tissue that is blocked from blood flow decays and dies. The dead tissue needs to be removed or the infection can spread throughout the body. Gangrene mainly affects the extremities such as toes, fingers, feet and hands although in certain instances it might affect your muscles and internal organs. There are other types of Gangrene, including gas gangrene and internal gangrene.
There are several symptoms that could point out signs of gangrene. They include blue or black discoloration of the skin, foul smelling discharges and pain followed by numbness in an area. Low blood pressure, confusion, swollen and painful tissue, and a high fever may also be attributed to other types of gangrene. Gangrene can be caused by many medical problems that are manifesting for a period of time. Problems leading to gangrene consist of bacterial infection, a serious injury, diabetes, surgery, HIV or arteriosclerosis, a blood vessel disease.
Gangrene can be treated by several options. Antibiotics are the most common option. Surgery may be necessary to stop the spreading of gangrene. The surgery will remove dead skin and replace the area with skin from another part of your body. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is another treatment option that usually treats gas gangrene. The increased oxygen and pressure in the chamber increase the flow of oxygen in your body. Amputation is the last option. Removing a toe, finger or limb may be necessary to stop the spread of gangrene.
Gangrene can affect you in ways other than requiring you to cut off skin or amputate limbs. This condition can have several major complications. Those include falling into a coma, kidney failure, shock, delirium, hypertension and stupor. People also mistake the symptoms of gangrene and don't connect it with the potentially fatal disease. It is rare to develop gangrene in the U.S., but not seeking medical attention puts you at a high risk.
Gangrene is a serious condition that could lead to the loss of your extremities. Report any symptoms and any serious injury that hasn't healed properly. Early detection is key to stopping the progress of the infection. You may face becoming disabled and undergoing reconstructive surgery if you are to lose your limbs. In some cases, gangrene can result in death.