Cervical Cancer Laser Treatment
The Facts
The third most common form of cancer found in women, cervical cancer begins with abnormal cell growth in the cervix. Most cervical cancer is caused by a common virus called HPV. Cervical cancer is usually detected late, once it has spread throughout the body, or early, through abnormal results in a Pap smear examination. Early detection of cervical cancer through regular examinations is key because it gives patients the option of less invasive treatment options, like laser treatment.
Cervical cancer is treated by destroying or removing the abnormal cell tissue in the cervix. In cervical cancer laser treatment, a patient lies back on a bed with her feet elevated, much like during a regular visit to the gynecologist. The surgeon first applies local anesthesia to the cervix. She then uses a speculum and directs a laser through the vagina. The surgeon focuses the laser beam on the abnormal cancerous cells and destroys them by burning them off or vaporizing them.
Laser treatment is only used on stage 0 cervical cancer, when the cancer is located in the cervix alone and has not spread anywhere else in the body. In later stages the cancer moves to the bladder, lungs and intestines, metastasing throughout the body. At that point, laser treatment is too localized a procedure to be of any help to the patient.
Cervical cancer laser treatment offers some benefits to patients. It can be performed in a doctor's office rather than a hospital. Remission rates after cervical cancer laser treatment are consistently high---85 to 90 percent of women are cured after undergoing it. Also, a surgeon is able to target abnormal cells and tissue directly with the laser beam, leaving more healthy tissue behind. This helps to avoid damage to the patient's cervix and helps to preserve her childbearing options for the future.
As with any type of surgery, cervical cancer laser treatment carries with it some risks. There is the danger that a patient may have an adverse reaction to local anesthesia. Also, while many women recover quickly from laser treatment, some experience some after effects like pain, cramping and discharge. There is always a chance that after laser treatment, cervical cancer may reoccur.