The Definition of Abortion
Cultural Views
The cultural views on abortion are different around the world. People who are against abortion are referred to as pro-life, while everyone else is referred to as pro-choice. Many parts of the world have a current controversy with the ethical and legal aspects of abortions. Abortion is currently a legal operation in the United States. However, some countries such as Brazil, Ireland, Mexico and Egypt only allow it if the woman's life is in danger.
First Abortions
Abortions have existed since ancient times. In the beginning, pregnancies were terminated by the use of abortifacient herbs and severe abdominal pressure. Greek physicians would recommend that women who wanted an abortion should ride animals, participate in energetic exercises and take special herbal baths rich in poisonous herbs such as tansy and penny royal to induce a miscarriage.
During the first trimester, medical abortions can occur with the use of special pharmaceutical drugs. Only 10 percent of abortions are done this way. The most popular way is by surgical vacuum treatment. The vacuum abortion is only available in fetuses that are less than 12 weeks old. Manual vacuum abortions consist of the removal of the fetus and placenta by a suction using a special syringe. Electric vacuum abortions use an electric pump to remove the fetus and placenta.
Side Effects
Over 95 percent of women who have received abortions have reported mild to moderate pain. These pains are in the abdomen area and may feel like menstrual cramps. Some women experience feelings of sadness and regret for many years following an abortion. Some cases can become severe enough that the mother may need to seek counseling services.
Eighty-eight percent of abortions occur in pregnant women who are less than 12 weeks pregnant. Ten percent occur in pregnancies that are 13 to 20 weeks. Less than 2 percent occur after 21 weeks. Over 90 percent of abortions are done using abortion vacuum methods. Abortions that occur late in the pregnancy are more common in China and India than in other countries.