Uncommon Signs of Appendicitis
Appendicitis is a potentially dangerous and fatal infection of the appendix. It can happen to anyone, from adults to children, and needs medical treatment as soon as possible. Appendicitis, if caught early, can be treated easily and with little trouble. Here are some of the more uncommon signs of appendicitis.-
Pain may be the first symptom that people notice. The pain can range from mild to intolerable, and is located on the right side of the body.
Nausea can happen as the appendicitis infection increases, which can lead to vomiting.
Digestive Problems
Constipation or diarrhea can result form an appendicitis infection.
Swelling can happen in the abdominal area, caused by trapped gas.
Fever is common in an appendicitis infection. When fever is combined with the other signs, it can be a clear indicator of appendicitis.