How to Survive an Oophorectomy
Know that you will experience menopause after an oophorectomy. If you haven't gone through menopause yet,then oophorectomy can be a shock to your system.
Note that if you're close to menopause or are postmenopausal, an oophorectomy may be easier for you emotionally and physically. A menopausal woman has already experienced many years of declining estrogen levels, which have allowed her body time to adjust.
Understand that if you're premenopausal and cancer isn't found during surgery, your doctor will probably prescribe hormones for you. You should research the benefits of natural bioidentical hormones versus synthetic hormones because most doctors will prescribe synthetic.
Realize that if cancer is found after your ovary removal, your doctor will probably not prescribe hormone replacement for you. It is because current studies on the safety of hormone replacement after cancer surgery are conflicting and controversial. However, if your doctor won't prescribe hormones for you but you still want to use them, find doctors who will prescribe natural hormones for you.
Recognize that an oophorectomy, depending on your individual circumstances, does not always have to be performed through an abdominal incision. Some surgeons are more skilled in performing vaginal oophorectomies.