How to Recover From a Cesarean Section
Review Steps to Recover After a Cesarean Section
Expect to be up walking with assistance soon after delivery by Cesarean section. Moving around will help reduce constipation and encourage blood circulation to reduce the chance of forming blood clots.
Anticipate the removal of the urinary catheter and any IVs within 12 to 24 hours, as soon as fluid intake and urinary function are sufficient.
Expect fatigue and incisional discomfort for up to 6 weeks.
Take it easy during the first few weeks following a Cesarean section. Avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby, and keep diapers and other baby necessities close at hand until you have your 6-week checkup.
Maintain good abdominal support. Using a pillow against your abdomen will help with pain when you sneeze or cough. It is also a good idea to use it for support when breast-feeding.
Drink plenty of fluids to recover fluid loss while breast-feeding. Drinking fluids also helps prevent urinary tract infections following the insertion of a catheter.
Avoid sex until your doctor releases you. The typical amount of time to wait is 6 weeks.
Let someone else drive until you can comfortably handle sudden movements without incisional pain. You must also be able to easily manage bending and lifting to place your infant in the car seat or carrier.
Learn Symptoms to Report
Notify your doctor immediately if you recognize any signs of infection. Symptoms may include fever, severe abdominal pain, redness or discharge at the incision site, and abdominal bloating or swelling.
Understand that a certain amount of fatigue is normal during the weeks following delivery. If fatigue lingers, or if you find your level of happiness is declining to the point of not wanting to move, call your doctor immediately. You may be suffering from postpartum depression.
Realize that symptoms such as numbness and itching may be present for several weeks. This is common following a Cesarean section. If the numbness spreads, or the itching increases, notify your doctor.