How to Prevent Scarring After Tummy Tucks
Rub olive oil or cocoa butter on your skin--particularly the lower stomach area--on a daily basis, for at least two weeks before the surgery. Massaging these creams into the skin helps nourish the skin and prepare it for surgery.
Eat healthy, nutritious meals and get regular exercise. The better shape you are in before the surgery, the faster you recover and the less likely you are to develop scarring. Base your meals around fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, nuts and seeds.
Follow post-operation instructions carefully. Even after you start to feel better, it is important to follow the instructions given by your surgeon to avoid scarring and help avoid infection as well. Surgeons advise patients to avoid smoking and alcohol and tell patients to limit movement to reduce the severity of post-surgery scarring.
Use Vitamin E oil on the incision area. Vitamin E is a skin conditioner and you can use it daily as a natural and safe treatment for scarring. Eat food sources of Vitamin E, such as almonds, peanuts, broccoli, mango and spinach. Taking Vitamin E supplements can also help.