What Does the Term 'Dog Ears' Mean in Relation to Tummy Tucks?
Even with the risk of developing dog ears, many consumers seek tummy-tuck procedures for other reasons that are not aesthetic. Some seek relief from back pain caused by heavy abdomen while others want their muscles tightened after having given birth.
Treating Dog Ears
Dr. Lori Cherup, a Pennsylvania plastic surgeon, explains that dog ears normally smooth out and disappear over the course of the healing process. If the condition does not improve, liposuction under the dog ear can be performed under local anesthesia at a later date for complete removal of the bulging tissue.
Other Post-Surgical Complications
In addition to skin malformation, abdominoplasty patients also must be prepared to experience 10 to 20 days of surgical site pain. The abdomen may feel tight for a month or longer and patients may experience burning or shooting pain while the nerves heal.