What is frisking procedure?
Step 1: Approach the person in a calm and confident manner.
*Maintain a safe distance while still ensuring that you can clearly see the individual
*Keep your tone respectful and professional to minimize potential aggression
Step 2: Verbally communicate your intent to frisk the individual
*Clearly state that you are going to conduct a security check and explain the reason behind the frisk with clarity and respect
Step 3: Position the person correctly.
*Instruct the individual to stand with their feet shoulder-width apart and their arms at their sides
*Ensure their arms are visible
Step 4: Conduct a visual inspection.
*Begin by visually scanning the individual from head to toe, looking for any suspicious bulges, wires, or other potential indicators of concealed weapons or contraband.
Step 5: Palpate the outer clothing.
*Use a firm but gentle touch to feel the person’s clothing for weapons, contraband, or other suspicious objects. Pat down the outer layer of clothing, including the front and back of shirts and pants, pockets, and waistband.
*Ensure that you check beneath collars and cuff and any other area where a weapon could be concealed.
*Repeat the process with the person’s footwear and any head coverings.
Step 6: Proceed with a more detailed search.
*If you feel any suspicious objects during the initial pat down, carefully lift the article of clothing and inspect it, ensuring you maintain visual contact with the person.
*If necessary, you may have the person remove their outer clothing to facilitate a more thorough search
Step 7: Document your findings.
*Once the frisk is complete, record any relevant observations and findings
*Include details about the individual's behavior and any items found during the search
Step 8: Treat the person with respect.
*Regardless of the frisking's outcome, be sure to treat the individual with respect and professionalism.
*Thank them for their cooperation and provide any necessary assistance or instructions
Remember that frisking should only be conducted when necessary and in compliance with legal guidelines and organizational procedures. Maintaining professionalism, respect, and effective communication are crucial throughout the entire process to ensure a safe and dignified experience for both the officer conducting the frisk and the individual being frisked.
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