Upper Eye Bag Removal
The exact causes for bags and puffiness around the eyes are unknown. It has been theorized, however, that the problem could be caused by a genetic disposition (inherited), aging and alcohol and tobacco abuse. The net result of this is that bags and puffiness around the eyes can be very difficult to get rid of.
The operation that removes the upper bags around the eye is called a blepharoplasty. Fat and excess tissue are removed from the eye area during the procedure. As with many plastic surgeries, blepharoplasty is not usually necessary, but it can increase a person's self-image and provide feelings of happiness. Plastic surgery is generally not covered by insurance. Check with your insurance company to see if a blepharoplasty is covered.
As with any surgery, it is important to consult with a doctor before making any definite decisions. If you suffer from circulatory, ophthalmological (of the eye) or other serious medical conditions, it may be better to consider other means of dealing with any eye-related cosmetic problems. Your doctor will go over any issues that may present themselves and will offer alternatives if necessary.
A blepharoplasty begins with the surgeon marking the creases of the eyelid to make the incisions in the least noticeable place on the eye. Any excess loose skin, fat and muscle are removed from the bags around the upper eye. The incisions are then sealed back up with fine sutures to minimize scarring.
It is normal to experience bruising and swelling for a time after the operation. For a few weeks afterward, you will also need to clean the incisions and may be given an ointment to keep the eye moisturized. Any applied stitches that don't dissolve on their own will be removed three to four days after the operation.