Tattoo Removal
Things You'll Need
- Contact information for a licensed dermatologist
- Painkiller or local anesthetic
- Ice pack
- Sterile patch and gauze
- Topical antibiotic cream
Schedule a consultation with a qualified dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. At the consultation, the doctor will tell the patient how many visits to expect and the projected total cost of the procedure. The number of visits depends on the age, size and type of tattoo as well as the patient's skin color and the depth to which the pigment extends.
Expect a small amount of pain with each laser pulse. WebMD reports that patients liken the sensation to having a rubber band snapped against their skin. Smaller tattoos require fewer pulses, while larger tattoos require more.
Request a painkiller or local anesthetic if you know you have a low pain threshold. Take an over-the-counter oral painkiller after the procedure.
Expect few, if any, side effects. Rare side effects include blistering, scabbing---which usually disappears within 2 weeks---and loss of skin color. Laser removal is the most current, the least invasive and the most effective technique for removing an unwanted tattoo. Laser wavelengths are designed to target only the tattooed pigments without affecting the pigment of the skin itself or other layers of skin. The laser wavelength penetrates to the ink in the dermis and vaporizes it. The body's immune system then absorbs the fragmented particles.
Soothe the area after treatment with an ice pack. Your doctor will recommend the application of a topical antibiotic cream. The site will be patched and bandaged and steps should be taken to protect it from the sun.