About Cool Lipo

Advances in cosmetic procedures are progressing rapidly. One of the latest FDA-approved fat removal procedures is called Cool Lipo. It is not as invasive as other liposuction techniques, and it does not require general anesthesia.
  1. Product Description

    • Cool Lipo is a laser procedure that removes fatty tissues from small areas of the body. It is typically recommended for areas that retain fat even after exercise and weight loss.


    • People who do not want to undergo traditional liposuction procedures often seek Cool Lipo as an alternative. Cool Lipo is generally used to remove fat from the arms and the chin.

    How the Procedure Is Performed

    • A physician will apply a numbing agent or local anesthetic to the area being treated. A laser systematically dissolves the fat in the targeted area; depending on the size of the area, the body either absorbs the dissolved fat or the physician removes it.

    Recovery and Results

    • For recovery, a bandage that compresses the treated area needs to be worn for a few days. Patients will notice the fat loss immediately after the procedure is done and will continue to see results a few months following the procedure.


    • Individuals considering Cool Lipo should understand that, even though fat is removed during the procedure, diet and exercise are essential to keeping the weight off.

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