Plastic Surgery for Removing Mosquito Scars
Proper Consultation and Scar Location
Before deciding to obtain plastic surgery for your mosquito scar, consider your personal health. You must have good health for your body to effectively respond to scar treatment. If you are in poor health, your body will not effectively heal after surgery. Timing of the surgery is also important; be sure to set aside several weeks of rest and recovery as well as considering that some surgeries will require up to a year of healing time.
Before selecting your plastic surgeon, he or she should consult with you regarding the scar location and type. If the mosquito scar is in an area where there is extensive muscle movement, for instance on the face, you may want to avoid surgery because the surgery may cause more cosmetic damage than already exists. Make sure that your plastic surgeon is board certified and has a several years of cosmetic surgery experience.
The Surgery and Possible Complications
If your mosquito scar is a "contracture" type scar, where there is skin tissue that has grown over the injury, the plastic surgeon will typically remove the scar. Make sure you understand that removing the scar tissue will not necessarily eliminate the scar; rather, it will simply become less visible. The plastic surgery involves removing the scar tissue and uses adjacent skin to cover the mosquito scar.
In some instances, the mosquito scar will be quite deep and the surgeon will use collagen filler to smooth the skin surface. Make sure you are not allergic to collagen before undertaking the surgery. Such issues should arise during your consultation.
Proper Ways to Recover
Depending on the severity of your surgery, recovery time is essential for the mosquito scar to fully heal. Many patients overlook recovery and do not follow the cosmetic surgeon's instructions. If you do so, you may reduce the effectiveness of your plastic surgery. Always follow your plastic surgeon's instructions after the surgery. If swelling or redness continues for over a week, contact the plastic surgeon; there may be an infection. Above all else, do not engage in physical or strenuous activity until your plastic surgeon gives you clearance.