How to Correct a Bent Nose
Things You'll Need
- Antibacterial cleanser
- Cold compresses
- Gauze
- Plastic bag
- Ice
- Crackers
- Soup
- Juices
- Decongestants
Pick out a rhinoplasty surgeon that has American Board of Plastic Surgery certification, was trained in rhinoplasty, has great before and after photos of their patients, has excellent communication skills, has patient references and performs more than 100 rhinoplasty procedures each year. Schedule an initial appointment with him. Bring a list of questions about rhinoplasty to your meeting. Discuss the benefits and risks of the surgery with him.
Get a physical examination of your nose. The surgeon will want to evaluate the history of your nose and get details about what caused it to be bent. Let the surgeon know if you have seasonal allergies, rhinitis, or nasal obstruction. The surgeon will do external and internal nose exams. The surgeon also will take photographic documentation of your nose to keep a record of your nasal abnormalities. The photos will be used to plan and diagnose therapeutic procedures.
Pick out a date with your surgeon to get surgery on your nose. The day before surgery, prepare several items to bring with you. These are cold compresses, pieces of gauze, ice in bags, crackers, soup and juice. The night before surgery clean your face well with antibacterial cleanser. You won't be allowed to eat anything after midnight. Get good sleep so you are well-rested for the surgery. On the morning of surgery wash your face again to get rid of any bacteria. Don't wear makeup, and don't put any kind of hair product in your hair. Go to the clinic with a friend or family member, and have them pick you up when you're done. It is not safe for you to drive after surgery. Make sure your friend or family member can help you at home after your surgery because you'll be in bed.
Arrive at the clinic 30 minutes early. You may need to fill out paperwork. Your surgery will last one to two hours. The surgeon will place packing in the nostrils after surgery. It needs to stay in the nose for about a week. It will reduce bleeding and internal scaring in the nose and help keep the mucosal lining and septum in place. You may feel post-surgical pain for several days. The surgeon may prescribe medicine to relieve the pain. The surgeon also may advise taking decongestants to help with the swelling and relieve pressure in your nose.
During the first week after surgery elevate your head to help reduce swelling. Splints and bandages will be removed by the surgeon about six days after surgery. Control swelling with a cold compress on your nose. Don't scratch your nose or let anything bump your nose for a few months after surgery. Complete healing takes six to 12 months. You need to return to your surgeon's office for photos once fully healed.