Dangers of a Tummy Tuck
Anesthesia side effects can include a sore throat, dizziness, headache, nausea and feeling cold. While in the recovery room anesthesiologist and nurses will do their best to ease any of the side effects that may occur after having a tummy tuck or other surgery.
Aspiration Pneumonia
Aspiration pneumonia is caused by fluid entering the lungs, causing a blockage. This can happen when food or vomit enters the lungs from the mouth. After having a tummy tuck, it is very important to watch for chest pains when taking a deep breath, difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath.
Bleeding and Clotting
After any surgery, you are at risk for excessive bleeding or the blood not clotting properly. If a blood clot interferes with healing, this can be very dangerous. Blood clots can travel to the lungs or heart, causing a more severe health problem. If you have a tummy tuck or any surgery lasting longer than 30 minutes under general anesthesia, you have at a higher danger of developing excessive bleeding and clotting problems.
Infection danger can be high after a tummy tuck, especially for those who are not healthy before the surgery. Signs of infection include a longer healing time, fever, chills and sweating. The healing time for a tummy tuck is generally four to six weeks. For some, a sign of infection can be the incision weeping or draining. The area of the incision may also feel warmer than other areas of the body. It is very important to notify your surgeon of any signs of infection to prevent other health issues.
Reducing the Dangers of Tummy Tuck
Reducing the dangers of a tummy tuck is very important. Surgeons advise that the patient be a non-smoker or quit smoking; smoking can raise the risk of complications during and after a tummy tuck. You can also reduce dangers by following the surgeon's instructions completely and by notifying the surgeon if a problem arises