Does Fat Return After Liposuction?
What Is Liposuction?
Liposuction is the act of removing fat cells from beneath the skin, using a tube and a vacuum. You can only undergo a certain amount of liposuction at a time, limiting the number of areas for each procedure. This is determined by many factors, including your age, health condition and weight. It is one of the lesser invasive procedures of plastic surgery, where the recovery usually takes less time, and you can resume normal activities sooner.
Liposuction Techniques
A number of liposuction techniques are available as technology advances. The traditional liposuction technique is when a small incision is made where a medal rod is inserted into the target area. The surgeon then breaks up the fat cells and proceeds to suck the fat out through a small, vacuum-like tube. Another newer liposuction technique is laser lipo or "smart lipo," where only local anesthesia is used, a tiny incision is made, fat cells are melted and removed more easily from the body.
Fat Cells
According to, fat cells known as lipocytes or adipocytes do not typically reproduce. When you are an adult, you have a certain number of fat cells and they just expand if you gain weight. Liposuction results are permanent in the area that is treated. Your fat cells shrink as you lose weight, but never go away completely. The only way to remove fat cells from the body is through liposuction.
Liposuction for Weight Loss
Do not expect to lose a lot of weight from liposuction. Although you are removing fat from the body, liposuction is a cosmetic procedure and your results will be with your appearance, not on the scale. Depending on your size, you may lose a few pounds from the procedure as pounds of fat are removed. But, you are aiming to improve certain areas on your body and therefore aiming for visible changes on your body.
Weight Gain with Lipo
Even if you gain weight after getting liposuction, only the fat cells that are in your body will expand. The number of fat cells is most likely determined during childhood and adolescence. Once you reach adulthood, fat-cell numbers tend to remain constant for both lean and overweight individuals. Fat cells are believed to be able to increase their size four times before they divide and create new cells. This is only the cause of drastic weight gain and is not a typical result.