What to Expect the Day After a Tummy Tuck
The day after surgery, patients will feel extremely tired. This is due to a combination of the body responding to the shock of surgery and the effect of the pain medications you are taking. Plenty of rest is encouraged and will help you recover.
Mild Pain
Most women will experience mild pain in the abdominal region the day after surgery. Because of the pain medications you should have received before, during, and after the surgery, this pain should not be severe. If the pain is unbearable, contact your doctor.
Office Visit
Because of the complexity of the tummy tuck surgery, many doctors see their patients for an office visit the day after surgery. Wear comfortable clothes and have a friend or family member help you to the car and drive you to the follow up. You may feel very medicated while at the office, and that's fine. The doctor will just check your incisions and make sure your medications are working properly.
Because the tummy tuck surgery removes excess fat and skin from the abdomen and usually tightens the abdominal wall muscles, you will not be able to stand up straight for a few days after the surgery. This is expected and normal for a few days to a week.
Many patients experience mild nausea the day after a tummy tuck procedure. Nausea is often due to the effects of anesthesia, and can be counteracted by eating a bland diet of crackers, soups, bananas and rice the day after surgery.