Smart Lipo Procedures

Many people, both men and women, have areas of fat on their bodies that they cannot seem to get rid of no matter how much they diet and exercise. Some people will consider liposuction in order to get rid of the extra fat. Smart Lipo, a type of liposuction, was approved by the U.S. Federal Drug Administration in 2006 and has been gaining popularity each year.
  1. What is Smart Lipo?

    • SmartLipo is a noninvasive fat removal procedure that uses laser energy to break up fatty tissue that is trapped below the skin. It treats localized pockets of fat that cannot usually be treated with traditional liposuction. It also encourages collagen development which results in a more toned appearance. Smart Lipo does not require general anesthesia and no incisions are made, unlike traditional liposuction. Also, since the procedure is noninvasive, people can return to work after two days.

    How Does it Work?

    • A very small tube that contains a laser fiber is inserted into the skin. The small tube is moved back and forth so that the laser energy can get to the fat cells. The fats cells then rupture and are drained away. The laser causes small blood vessels to immediately coagulate which results in less bleeding and swelling than a traditional liposuction procedure would. Often, Smart Lipo is done with the patient standing up so that the surgeon is better able to sculpt the areas that need work.

    Body Areas

    • Smart Lipo can be done on more areas of the body than traditional liposuction. It can be performed on almost any area of the body that has localized fat areas, including the waist, chin, inner and outer thighs, back of neck, face and arms. Because Smart lipo is does not cause a lot of swelling and bruising, up to eight separate body areas can be treated in one session.


    • The cost for Smart Lipo will vary by city, state and even doctor offices. Generally, you can expect to pay $1,700 to $4,500 per area treated. The larger the area is that needs to be treated, the higher the cost.

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