How to Have a Tummy Tuck During a Hysterectomy
Speak to your surgeon about the hysterectomy. Let her know that you are contemplating scheduling a tummy tuck during the procedure. Your surgeon needs to approve of this before you can make any further arrangements.
Make an appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon that works out of the hospital you plan to use for the hysterectomy. To find a plastic surgeon in your area, you can use an online directory like the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Get an evaluation for a tummy tuck during your consultation with the plastic surgeon. Candidates will be healthy individuals that have excess fat and skin around the stomach area.
Allow the plastic surgeon to coordinate your surgery with the surgeon performing your hysterectomy. Both surgeons will need to be present in order for you to get the hysterectomy and tummy tuck.
Check with your insurance company prior to the procedure to determine coverage. You'll need to know what type of monies you will be expected to contribute towards the surgery. Make sure both procedures will be covered by your insurance provider.