Risks of Tummy Tucks
A seroma is a pocket of fluid that collects beneath the skin at the surgical site. Should a seroma form, it might require the physician to drain the fluid with a needle multiple times until it is resolved. To lessen the risk of a seroma, the physician inserts a drain during surgery to drain any fluid that might collect.
Infection is a risk of any major surgical procedure. After a tummy tuck, properly caring for the wound can help lessen the chances of getting an infection. The safest way to care for the wound is to wear gloves when changing the bandage, wash your hands and know what the signs of infection are. The most common signs of infection are redness, swelling or pus oozing from the incision.
Some people might develop scarring at the surgical site. A hypertrophic scar is a thick, raised, red scar. A keloid is an irregularly shaped scar that is pink or purple in color, tough and has a smooth top. It is raised above the rest of the skin, and will spread outside of the incision line. Unlike regular scars, keloids do not go away. If there is a family history of this, notify the physician to discuss the treatment options.
Skin Necrosis
Skin necrosis, also known as skin death, are areas of skin that die. Skin death might follow an infection, and smokers are at a higher risk. If skin death occurs, a physician surgically removes the dead skin.
Blood Clot
After a tummy tuck, the risk of blood clots increases. Blood clots form when a person is immobile for an extended period of time. To decrease the risk of blood clots, the patient should move around as soon as possible after the surgery.
A slight feeling of numbness is normal at the incision site. During surgery, the skin is removed from the lower abdomen, and the skin from the upper abdomen is pulled down to close the lower abdomen. The sensory nerves in this area might no longer function, which cause the numbness. Numbness might be temporary or permanent.