What Is an Abdominal Binder?
An abdominal binder serves a variety of functions for patients who have had abdominal plastic surgeries. An abdominal binder supports the abdominal incision, improves circulation and reduces fluid. In addition, it reduces swelling and shortens the healing process. It also prevents wound separation, and reduces pain and the possibility of postoperative wound infection.
A good quality post-operative abdominal binder should be lightweight and made of a material that is comfortable, strong and durable. In addition, it should improve circulation, compression and control, along with freedom of movement.
Size and Selection
In selecting an abdominal binder, it is important to choose the correct size. The measurement for sizing should be your measurements before the surgical procedure. Sizes are available in extra small, small and medium. They also are available in large, extra large and extra-extra large sizes. Read the manufacturer's guidelines regarding the proper sizing and fit. Follow the recommended guidelines for taking your measurements if you are choosing an abdominal binder after having your surgery.
Abdominal binders are also available in Stage 1 and Stage 2 categories. A Stage 1 binder is worn immediately and continuously for one to two weeks after surgery, except when showering or taking baths. A Stage 2 binder is worn for two to eight weeks after surgery. A Stage 2 binder is smaller, more fashionable and less bulky than the first stage binder.
Non-medical abdominal binders should not be used for postoperative surgical wound compression. These binders do not have the high quality and technology of a standard medical abdominal binder and could result in adverse outcomes, such as pain, discomfort and delay in the healing process. Non-medical compression garments do not have the features or the technology of a medical garment fabric and cannot support compression for an extended period.