Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips
Take All Prescribed Medication
Immediately following abdominoplasty, the patient will be groggy and maybe even a bit nauseous from the anesthesia. There will be tenderness in the abdominal area and sitting up straight might cause some pain. The surgeon will dispense pain medication and antibiotics. The patient should be sure to take the pain medication as prescribed so that the effect does not wear off between doses. The antibiotic medication should be taken until it is gone, even if the patient feels better, because infection can still occur in the abdominal incision.
Get plenty of rest
Expect to lie in bed and rest the first few days after tummy tuck surgery. Plan to miss a full week of work, possibly two weeks. Some patients who are older or who are not in good general health may have to miss up to four weeks of work. Baths, showers or strenuous activity are prohibited.
Record Drainage Daily
Most patients will have a tummy tuck drain to use at home. This silicone tube is place in the abdomen through the surgical incision to drain fluid that may be collecting between the layer of muscle and the skin flap. The patient must measure the drainage each day and then discard the fluid. The tummy tuck drain aids in reducing infection. The drain may be inconvenient, but it provides safety from infection and is usually removed after three to five days in most patients. Patients who are experiencing a lot of drainage can expect to use the drain for as long as three weeks.
Gently Exercise
The surgeon will suggest that the patient begin walking as soon as they can after surgery. After the stitches are removed, the patient will be advised to start performing light non-aerobic exercise and to avoid any strenuous exercise for at least six weeks. Exercise can keep the patient from getting stiff and can speed recovery.
A Final Note
Most tummy tuck patients are eager to view the results of the surgery and become increasingly disappointed by what might seem like a long recovery process. Just remember that abdominoplasty involves removing a large section of skin, tightening loose stomach muscles and, in some instances when used together with liposuction, removing excess fat. The body must be given time to properly recuperate from major plastic surgery.