Tummy Tuck Recovery
Immediately Following Surgery
Immediately following a tummy tuck, the patient will be a little groggy and perhaps nauseated from the anesthesia. The abdomen will be tender, and it will be painful to sit straight. Prescription pain medication will be dispensed and nausea medication will be given as well, if necessary. Some patients can return home a few hours after waking from the surgery. Others may be required to stay in the hospital overnight. The age and health of the patient, and type of abdominoplasty performed, will determine the discharge time.
The First Week
During the first week following surgery, the patient will experience some swelling and pain and should plan to miss work the entire week. Some surgeons will suggest several days of bed rest.
Many surgeons will have patients use a tummy tuck drain at home. This is a silicone tube that is inserted into the abdomen through the tummy tuck incision to remove fluid that collects between the skin flap and the muscle layer. The patient should measure the drainage daily and discard the fluid. The drain is removed between 3 days and 3 weeks following surgery. A tummy tuck drain helps to reduce infection.
The patient will return to the surgeon's office 5 to 7 days after surgery to have the stitches removed. After examining the abdominal area, the surgeon will provide guidelines for activities such as walking, showering or bathing and changing surgical dressings. Most surgeons recommend that patients begin walking as soon after surgery as they can. The exercise will help to speed the recovery process and prevent blood clots from forming.
The Next Few Weeks
According to the University of Pennsylvania Health System, many surgeons will give patients an abdominal binder or compression garment to wear after surgery. The compression garment is worn under the clothes to compress or bind the stomach. Some patients must wear elastic stockings during healing to prevent the risk of blood clots forming in the legs.
Some patients can return to work during the second week after surgery; others may have to wait up to 4 weeks.
The surgeon will recommend that the patient begin light non-aerobic exercise and avoid strenuous exercise for 6 weeks after surgery.
General Recovery Information
Some additional factors involved in the patient's recovery from a tummy tuck are the patient's overall health and fitness, the type of abdominoplasty performed and the patient's willingness to follow the surgeon's post-operative instructions. Most patients are eager to see the results of the tummy tuck and become frustrated by what seems like a lengthy recovery process. Tummy tuck surgery involves removing a large amount of skin, tightening the muscles, and, if combined with liposuction, extracting fat. The body will need time to recover from what is considered major surgery.