What is Phalloplasty?
Men seek a phalloplasty for different reasons. According to a study published in the medical journal "Advances in Urology" in 2008, phalloplasty is necessary in cases of severe penile inadequacy "due to the devastating impact on the psychological and sexual function." Severe penile inadequacy is defined in this study as a penis too short to achieve penetration during sexual intercourse. Aside from this condition, men who have a birth defect or have had an injury that removed the penis may also desire a phalloplasty. Women who have transitioned into men--commonly known as a transgendered female-to-male or FTM--may also seek a phalloplasty in order to feel more masculine. Lastly, some men may opt for a phalloplasty to enhance their penis to impress sexual partners or increase their own self-esteem.
In cases of a penis that has been removed due to injury or disease, or in the event there was never a penis in the first place (such as for FTM transition), a penis can be created through phalloplasty. The most common form of penile reconstructive phalloplasty is called a free radial forearm flap (RTFF) phalloplasty. With this method, skin is taken from the forearm of the patient and formed into a tube to create a penis. Further urological surgery is required to make the created penis functional for urination and ejaculation.
Some men who suffer from severe penile inadequacy, or those who wish to lengthen the penis for personal reasons, can do so with a penis-lengthening phalloplasty. The tissue of the penis that is responsible for erection extends into the pelvis. In a penis-lengthening phalloplasty, this tissue is drawn forward, which makes the penis longer when it is either flaccid or erect. According to the Barron Centers, a plastic surgery facility that performs phalloplasties, this type of surgery normally adds about one-and-a-half inches to penis length.
There are two types of phalloplasty that can increase the girth, or width, of a penis. The first type involves injecting body fat into the penile tissue that was taken from another part of the patient's body. The second type involves adding a tissue graft underneath the top layer of penis skin. With a tissue graft, the grafted tissue eventually merges with the original tissue of the penis.
There are risks associated with any type of surgery, but phalloplasty has certain risks that are unique to this type of surgery. It is possible that nerves in the penis can be damaged during surgery, reducing sensation in the penis and making erection impossible or difficult. Surgery on the penis can also interfere with the ability to urinate or ejaculate. Infection or poor surgical technique can also lead to scarring in the genital area.