Complications with Post-Plastic Surgery to the Eye
Anesthesia Complications
Some people have a poor reception to anesthesia. Some of the more minor after-effects include nausea or vomiting, headache, muscle pain and confusion. However, some very serious complications can occur, as well, including pulmonary embolism, nerve damage, respiratory failure, shock, heart attack, coma or death. Of course, these latter symptoms are very rare, but you must be aware of them prior to agreeing to surgery.
Excessive Bleeding
Following plastic surgery on the eyes, some people might experience excessive bleeding. This can occur at the incision site. However, it can also occur behind the eye. That is a condition known as retrobulbar hematoma, which can lead to vision problems or even blindness. This is extremely rare.
Eye Irritation
Irritation in and around the eye are very common following plastic surgery on the eye. Your eyes might feel very dry, burn or feel as though there's something in them. Blurry vision is also common and you might find that you tear up spontaneously for a few days following surgery. Little whiteheads called milia might also develop around the incision site.
In some cases, people might notice scarring following their plastic surgery. This might be slight and can fade over time, or it might be very prominent. While bad scarring is rare, it is a possibility, especially if you develop an infection following surgery.
Having surgery on the eyelids can change the sensations you feel in that area. This might be expressed in the form of severe itchiness, a cold feeling or numbness around the incision and sutures. These odd sensations do tend to go away as the area heals, though there is a small chance of them becoming permanent.
A rare complication associated with plastic surgery on the eye is a condition known as ectropion. Ectropion involves the lower eyelids pulling down or away from where they would normally rest. It creates a droopy-eyed appearance that is often unappealing.