About Pain Relief After Liposuction
There are several reasons that a patient will feel pain and tenderness following liposuction. The most common cause is that the blood vessels used to drain fluid away are damaged during liposuction. Until they heal, the patient will likely experience pain and discomfort. Some of the anesthetic solution can also become trapped under the skin following liposuction and cause pain.
Pain Relief with Medications
Your doctor will likely give you a prescription for an oral pain relief medication following the procedure. Examples include morphine and codeine. Later when you have milder pain and tenderness, he will likely permit you to take an over-the- counter pain reliever, like ibuprofen and acetaminophen.
Pain Relief with Compression Items
To reduce swelling and help a person's discomfort, a doctor may recommend compression items. These clothing pieces are used to compress the operated area to promote healing. Compression stockings, suits and wraps are available to provide pain relief after liposuction. Your doctor will give you directions on how to use these garments.
The amount of pain you feel will also be affected by how large of an area you had treated. When a person has larger fat deposits removed, this will also determine your discomfort level following surgery. The type of liposuction technique used by the surgeon can also affect your pain level. For instance, tumescent liposuction involves the injection of a mild painkiller prior to the procedure to provide pain relief post-operatively.
Time Frame
You may need pain relief options for several weeks following the liposuction procedure. In some cases, healing will occur within a week while other patients may feel discomfort for as long as a month after surgery. On average, patients will feel comfortable enough to return to work after one to two weeks of having the procedure.