What is Mesotherapy Treatment?
Mesotherapy is a homeopathic treatment that involves a solution of vitamins and medicine directly injected into a layer of the skin called the mesoderm. Mesotherapy was developed in 1952 by a French physician named Dr. Michel Pistor who designed microinjections filled with homeopathic remedies. The treatment sends tiny injections filled with fat medications, vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly into the skin. Mesotherapy has been used for over 20 years to treat a variety of conditions since its acceptance into the French National Academy of Medicine.-
Mesotherapy is a way to treat cellulite on the butt, hips and thighs. It contours the skin just like other cellulite treatment options, but mesotherapy injects natural remedies into the skin. Results are usually apparent after 10 to 25 sessions, so the treatment is a long-term commitment for patients. The solutions used are also customized to the patient, so results vary.
As skin ages and absorbs sun damage, it loses elastin and collagen health, which causes wrinkle development. Mesotherapy works by injecting vitamins back into the skin to restore its health and elasticity. Additionally, the sun's rays deprive the skin of oxygen inhibiting it from eliminating toxins. Mesotherapy replenishes the skin from low oxygen levels, helping tighten fine lines and wrinkles.
Body Sculpting
Mesotherapy is a common treatment used to target fat receptors of the cell to breakdown deposits and contour the body. Beta receptors on cells stimulate the body to breakdown fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The breakdown of compounds is used as energy for the body. Mesotherapy attaches to these receptors which triggers fat breakdown. Additionally, mesotherapy blocks alpha receptors, which work against beta receptors and produce fat deposits.
Mesotherapy is considered a surgical procedure, but the needles are very tiny and inject micro-amounts of solution. Most of the solution is homeopathic, but some medicines are used to treat for conditions such as cellulite. For instance, aminophylline is used to treat emphysema, but it also breaks down fat deposits in stubborn places on the body. The procedure is relatively painless, and it has few side effects. Side effects are usually limited to minor swelling and burning.
Before treatment, the doctor goes over your body and marks the locations of cellulite and fat deposits for elimination. The area is cleaned with alcohol, and tiny needles about 4 mm in width are used to inject the vitamins and medication into the mesoderm. Sessions are made bimonthly until results are seen.