Side Effects of Plastic Surgery
Reaction to Anesthesia
One of the side effects of plastic surgery is a negative reaction to anesthesia. Some individuals may take a longer time waking up than expected while individuals with pre-existing conditions could have severe reactions on vital organs like the heart.
Individuals who undergo plastic surgery open themselves up to the possibility of getting infections because of unsanitary conditions in the operating room to contaminations after the procedure.
Nerve Damage
Another side effect of plastic surgery is nerve damage or loss of feeling in the area of the body the procedure was performed on.
Fluid Buildup
Fluid buildup, medically referred to as seroma, occur in areas of the body where tissue has been removed. This condition usually disappears after a month. If it goes beyond that point, patients need to go back to their doctors.
Blood Clots
Blood clots are side effects on plastic surgery in which blood collects localized areas of the body. Doctors can drain the blood from these areas. Blood clots that occur in sensitive areas like the brain require dramatic treatments that could be dangerous and life-threatening.
A common side effect of plastic surgery is pain in the incision area, especially in procedures like breast implants and face lifts. These procedures require a lot of stretching of the skin.