Cons of Teen Plastic Surgery

The numbers of teens wanting plastic surgery has nearly tripled from 2003 to 2008. This is a disturbing trend where teens believe undergoing major surgery is a "quick fix" to their problems; this attitude belies the seriousness of plastic surgery and the potentially fatal complications that can incur.
  1. Effects

    • By promoting the singular image of "beauty" that plastic surgery presents, it denies a teen any self confidence in their own individuality and personal beauty, bringing a lack of confidence to a crisis point.


    • The financial burden for plastic surgery is both huge and uncovered by insurance because it is elective, except in medically necessary cases.

    Premature Reconstruction

    • As a teenager, not all aspects of development are fully in place, making surgery premature, dangerous and possibly unnecessary.

    Celebrities are Airbrushed

    • Most teens are chasing false perfection. They base their decision to have fuller lips, perfect noses, larger breasts or a flatter stomach on celebrity and pop images. These images are usually airbrushed or photoshopped.


    • Complications can very easily arise with plastic surgery, including death, infection and scarring.

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