Dangers of Plastic Surgery
General Dangers
It's easy to minimize the dangers of plastic surgery because the procedures have become so commonplace. But as with any surgery, there are risks. Whenever anesthesia is used, there are inherent dangers ranging from minor problems like nausea, vomiting or headaches, to allergic reactions and even death. Also common to surgery is the danger of blood clots, infection or bleeding. The most common danger associated with any plastic surgery is scarring. Though a surgeon will attempt to minimize scarring or make incisions where they will be less noticeable, a patient can expect scar tissue to form.
Specific Dangers
The most common types of plastic surgeries have certain complications or risks that a patient should consider. A common danger associated with facial surgeries involves nerve damage; nerve damage often disappears over time. With facial surgery, there is also the risk of tissue damage, which is noticeable as misshapen or asymmetrical features. With reconstructive nose surgery, a patient can suffer from too much sculpting, and this can cause breathing difficulties if the nasal passages collapse. Breast augmentation has its own set of dangers. Implants can stretch the tissue and cause breasts to droop. Lumps and bumps can form, or scar tissue can develop around the implants, making more surgery necessary. Liposuction, referred to as the "tummy tuck," is done under major anesthesia, so those risks should be addressed. Patients should be aware that potentially dangerous blood clots can still form days after this surgery.
Tourism Surgery
There is a growing trend to travel to other countries to have plastic surgery procedures like liposuction and breast augmentation performed at a hugely discounted rate. However, there are several dangers involved with "tourism surgery." Doctors may not be certified to perform these types of cosmetic surgery, so complications are not uncommon. Bacterial infections are particularly rampant, and many women have been hospitalized after returning home. It's important to consider, too, that if anything does go wrong, patients have little recourse in a foreign country.
There are steps people can take to minimize the dangers associated with plastic surgery. Get a board-certified surgeon to perform the procedures. Patients should have a complete physical beforehand to check for any existing conditions that may cause surgical complications. Have plastic surgery done in a medical facility with a proven track record of high standards.
There are more than physical dangers involved with plastic surgery. Some people may be traumatized by their new appearance; others will have unrealistic expectations and have more and more surgeries. In the end, a patient can suffer scarring much more than skin deep.