Complications of a Tummy Tuck
Educate yourself on all possible complications from having an abdominoplasty. Start by ascertaining that your physician is fully licensed by the ASPS (American Society of Plastic Sugeons). Ask the physician for references from people who have experienced his procedures.
Understand that complications are relatively rare, and that there are ways to up the odds of your not experiencing any at all. See your primary care physician or regular medical care professional for a full physical check-up prior to considering any kind of cosmetic surgery. He or she will confirm that you are in good physical shape before you visit a plastic surgeon.
Familiarize yourself with the following complications:Bleeding: Drains are installed, but there is always a slight risk of pooling blood. If bleeding becomes critical a blood transfusion may be necessary.Swelling: While swelling is common for several weeks after surgery, watch for excessive swelling in the genital region. Report this to your doctor.Numbness: This may occur for several months after surgery. Your doctor should check after several months to be certain nerve damage didn't occur.Pain: Pain will last for a few weeks and may be severe at times.
Be aware of these complications, which are not typical, but for which you should be monitored:Fat Necrosis: The blood supply to remaining skin and fat in the abdomen may be strangled, resulting in the possibility of infection.Infection: Report any change in temperature or unusual redness or swelling to your doctor immediately, as infection can be life threatening,Umbilical Necrosis: The umbilicus is repositioned during a tummy tuck, and the blood supply may be damaged, resulting in the umbilicus being off-center.
Weigh all steps, both medical and psychological, when considering a tummy tuck. Most procedures go off without a hitch, but there are occasions when one or more of the complications listed above can occur. Education is key in ensuring the process is streamlined, effective and free of as many complications as possible.