How to Remove a Birthmark
Things You'll Need
- A board-certified dermatologist
Health First, Treatment Second
Birthmarks are typically benign, and most people have had a physician identify the type of birthmark they have very early in life since they are usually present at birth (hence, the name) or soon thereafter. According to an article at Times Online, one in 10 babies has a blood vessel birthmark at birth or shortly afterwards, and most are temporary. It is still very important to have a dermatologist advise you if you have decided to seek treatment or possible removable of your birthmark. This is especially true if your birthmark has changed in size, color or texture. Also, do not ignore a birthmark that begins to itch or feel tender to the touch. A board-certified (or board-eligible) dermatologist is the best starting point for getting in-depth information about all your choices. Remember, there are pros and cons to all medical procedures.
Your health should come before cosmetics; therefore, it is important to deal with any medical issues caused by a birthmark first. If a birthmark is causing problems with your vision or any other health issues, you should work closely with your doctor to address the health concerns first and foremost. Certain birthmarks of the scalp and face have been associated with an increased risk of glaucoma and seizures. It is extremely important that you approach removing your birthmark from a health standpoint first and then from a cosmetic standpoint.
Doctors are more commonly using laser treatments to minimize permanent, or port wine stain, birthmarks. Laser treatments can dramatically lighten a birthmark and in some cases almost remove them completely. Laser treatments may be done in a few hours or it maybe take a series of treatments, with careful monitoring of the treated area in between sessions. The advent of laser treatment for removing and lightening birthmarks has given many people a highly sought remedy and a renewed self-esteem.
Natural remedies for lightening birthmarks are simply trial and error. A diet high in antioxidant nutrients is a common suggestion. Vitamin E and selenium supplements are excellent for healthy skin; however, you should get a daily dosing recommendation from your physician. At the very least, a diet high in fresh organic fruits and vegetables aids in overall health, so it is worth a try ! A vitamin E cream or an oatmeal facial mask applied daily may give you a positive result. Be careful when using a tanning bed, as they can increase the color intensity of the birthmark. Always use a good sunblock when outdoors for extended periods of time.
Birthmarks are the source of many legends, myths and wives tales. But to those who have them in visible areas, they are far less appealing than the folklore. Take the first step by finding a dermatologist who will work with you to find solutions that address your individual needs.