How to Get a Nose Job Like Ashley Tisdale
Have your deviated septum diagnosed by a physician. Deviated septums are common and cause these symptoms: Congestion of the nasal cavity or complete blockage of at least one, sometimes both nostrils, nosebleeds, recurring sinus infections, noisy breathing while you sleep and even headaches and pain in your face.
Undergo septoplasty. Septoplasty is the surgical treatment that corrects a deviated septum. It is done through the nostrils and usually no bruising or external signs occur. It generally takes about one to two hours to perform, depending on the seriousness of the deviation. Ashley's deviation was at 80 percent.
Combine septoplasty with rhinoplasty like Ashley Tisdale did. Ashley also had two bumps on her nose which changed the external appearance. With rhinoplasty there is a lot of bruising and swelling. Tisdale says, "It's uncomfortable, and I hope this is the only time I ever have to go through something like this." Tisdale's procedure took five hours.
Reshape the nose. An incision is made across the small strip of tissue separating the nostrils. The tissue covering the nose is gently lifted so the surgeon can go in and reshape the nose's structure. Ashley said she was scared and couldn't sleep for a week thinking about it.