How to Spot Chin Augmentation
Check first for signs that the person might have had a nose job. Often chin augmentation is done at the same time as rhinoplasty to balance the face out. A small, perfectly shaped nose with a gentle slope and slightly turned up tip is occasionally the sign of good genetics but often means a skilled plastic surgeon was involved.
Examine the chin to see if it seems swollen or puffy. There are very few things that could cause swelling in this part of the face aside from a recent chin augmentation.
Look for a leaner-than-proportionate neck. Neck liposuction is often performed during chin augmentation surgery to create more definition in the lower part of the face. A heavyset person with a thin neck and chiseled jaw could have had a chin job.
Ask to see the person's high school yearbook. Chin augmentation isn't supposed to be performed on patients younger than 20, so a yearbook photo should be a guaranteed "before" picture. Note whether the person's chin and jaw seem more pronounced now than in late adolescence. If so, extreme weight loss would be the only other thing aside from chin augmentation to explain a changed jawline.
Examine the person's chin when relatives are nearby. Even siblings who look nothing alike often share similar chins. If everyone else in the clan has weak, receding chins, and the surgery suspect's chin is perfectly well-defined, you might be onto something.
Assess the symmetry and beauty of the rest of the person's face. Beautiful people are usually born with beautiful chins, while in one of the greatest injustices of nature, people with weak chins might have other asymmetrical features.