How to Spot a Tummy Tuck
Peek at them when they're wearing just underwear or are naked. A long, hip-to-hip scar in the pubic area is a dead giveaway. Of course, catching a suspected tummy-tuck patient undressed is not always easy, but if she works out in the same gym as you, the easiest way to satisfy your curiosity is to shower when she does.
Find out if the person has had children, especially via C-section. Even very fit women who have had C-sections usually lose muscle tone in their abdomen, and pregnancy and childbirth can stretch out the muscles and skin of women who deliver vaginally as well. Someone who has had more than one child--especially via C-section--and has a completely flat stomach might have had a tummy tuck.
Note the person's muscle tone and how thin they are. While those enviable rare few who are petite and muscular might have naturally flat stomachs, curvier women are less likely to have abs of steel than their leaner counterparts. A woman with prominent hips and breasts who has no belly to speak of probably had a tummy tuck.
Note whether any belly tattoos seem to have moved to a different area of the anatomy. Changing the landscape of the belly can make tattoos migrate in new directions.