How to Get Lipoplasty
Set up an initial consultation with a plastic surgeon. Let the surgeon know what areas you wish to remove the fat from. She will let you know if lipoplasty is the right option to achieve your goals.
Find out the details of the procedure and any risks involved. The major risks associated with lipoplasty include increased risk of infection, formation of blood clots, fluid loss and allergic reactions to the anesthesia.
Decide with your doctor on the site of the surgery. If a large amount of fat is being removed, your doctor may recommend a day or overnight stay at a hospital. If a small amount of fat is being removed, he can perform lipoplasty in the office or at a surgery center.
Get the lipoplasty surgery. You'll be hooked up to an IV to receive fluids throughout the procedure. The surgeon will make an incision in your skin and then use a vacuum to suck out the fat in the area. The area is then sutured together.
Follow the doctor's post-op care instructions. These may include wearing an elastic garment to reduce swelling and taking an antibiotic to reduce the chance of infection.