How to Get a Nose Job
Decide if you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty. Factors to consider are your age, overall health and mental stability. Consider why you want the surgery and make sure that you have realistic expectations about the results.
Find a surgeon. If you know someone who has already gone through the surgery, ask them about their surgeon. Research doctors online and make sure that they are fully certified and licensed to practice cosmetic surgery. Once you have made a selection, visit the office and meet with the surgeon and his staff, to make sure you are comfortable with your choice.
Talk to your surgeon. When you have your consultation, ask you surgeon every question that you can think of. Let her know your expectations and concerns.
Go over your finances and make sure that you can afford the surgery. If a nose job will send you into debt, ask yourself if it is really worth it.
Prepare for the surgery. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions. Generally, you won't be able to eat or drink for an amount of time before the surgery and you will need to arrange for someone to pick you up when it is over.
Expect swelling and pain to follow the surgery. Do not expect to look or feel perfect right after your nose job. You will have to go through a recovery period, which will include swelling, bleeding and bruising to your nose and face.
Enjoy your new nose.