How to Recover From Liposuction
Things You'll Need
- Compression Garment
- Acetaminophen
- Sterile Dressings
Wear your compression garments full-time for two weeks and then part-time for one additional week. For thigh and buttocks liposuction, your doctor will have you fitted for a girdlelike pair of compression shorts; for love handle liposuction, you'll be fitted with an elastic vest.
Be prepared to urinate more frequently for a day or two following the procedure. If you had tumescent liposuction, your body will be absorbing the anesthesia fluids, and your kidneys will be busy expelling it.
Take oral analgesics for pain. Do not take aspirin unless ordered by your doctor, because it interferes with clotting. Many doctors suggest acetaminophen, with or without codeine.
Eat lightly at first to reduce the chance of nausea. Try saltines and a bowl of clear soup for your initial postoperative meal.
Drink extra liquids to help readjust your body's fluid balance, which will have been altered by the effects of the anesthesia.
Place dressings over any tiny liposuction wounds that leak. The wounds should stop draining and close off within 48 hours.
Do not take a shower or bath your first postoperative day; wait until the second day, or as ordered by your doctor.
Avoid exercise, strenuous lifting or bending over for two to three days. Be sure not to exercise aerobically for three weeks. You can return to work the next day, as long as you do not have a physically demanding job.