Difference Between a Rotator Cuff Replacement & a Total Shoulder Replacement
The shoulder is a ball and socket joint consisting of three bones--the humerus, scapula and clavicle--as well as the tendons and muscles that make up the rotator cuff. The glenoid is the shallow, flat area of the scapula where the humerus bone sits, forming the socket of the shoulder joint.
Total Shoulder Replacement Surgery
There are two main types of shoulder-replacement surgeries: total and partial. Total replacement involves replacing the head of the humerus bone (the “ball”) as well as the glenoid (the “socket”) that make up the shoulder joint.
Rotator Cuff Replacement
Rotator cuff replacement is done when the tendons connecting the shoulder muscles to the bone have torn. If the damage to the tendon is too severe to be fixed, doctors will replace the damaged tissue with soft tissue from another part of the body to serve as the new rotator cuff.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a key component of the healing process for both operations. The program will begin immediately and may continue for up to a year. Physical therapy will focus on more active use of your arm and shoulder as well as regaining range of motion.
Recovery for Total Replacement Shoulder
Generally, it takes about three to six months to recover from shoulder replacement. After six months, most patients are pain-free and have regained a majority of their strength and range of motion. After one year, almost all patients are completely back to normal.
Recovery for Rotator Cuff Replacement
Recovery time for rotator cuff replacement is similar to shoulder replacement. Patients will usually have to continue physical therapy for up to a year, but should be able to use the shoulder normally after several months.
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